Friday, July 13, 2018

Importance of Materials and Activities Used in Telepractice

Several weeks ago, I posted a 6-question survey on the Teletherapy Materials for Speech-Language Pathologists Facebook page. The purpose of the survey was to gather information from practicing teletherapists regarding their opinions about the role that motivating materials played in the success of sessions. By no means was this a scientific survey. But it helped shed light on my personal burning questions related to the amount of time I had been spending creating and adapting activities for use with my students in telepractice. I enjoyed making my own customized activities but also purchased many excellent appropriate materials on TpT specifically for telepractice or that could be easily adapted. I had tremendous respect for our TpT sellers and the amount of time, effort, and creativity they invested in making such activities available. My survey came from wondering if I was the only one spending tons of non-paid time planning and creating telepractice friendly activities. Was I missing something? Was there some magic website I wasn't aware of? Were some platforms easier to use? What was my problem? Given the results below, it appeared that having access to motivating appropriate activities and materials was important to many telepractioners. Having access to materials or a budget to purchase materials would be a significant plus for teletherapy companies looking to attract and keep therapists. Also, when interviewing, therapists should feel justified in asking about how a company provided access to materials to use with their platform.

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